

Services include a soup kitchen, food pantry, counseling for the homeless in cooperation with the Oasis Shelter, and transitional housing for LGBT youth. A full list of these New Rochelle based services is listed here.


Citizenship services (assisting in filling for citizenship, citizenship classes), Social services (referrals, assistance with food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security), Advocacy (translation services, assistance with issues relating to local hospitals, schools, collection agencies and social services agencies), Food pantry and soup kitchen

servicios de ciudadanía (Asistencia en el llenado de la ciudadanía, clases de ciudadanía), servicios sociales (recomendaciones, asistencia con cupones de alimentos, Medicaid y Seguridad Social), defensa (servicios de traducción, ayuda con asuntos relacionados con hospitales, escuelas, agencias de cobro y agencias de servicios sociales), despensa de alimentos y comedor

HOPE Community Services
50 Washington Ave.,
New Rochelle, NY 10801