The Department of Community Mental Health plans, oversees and coordinates services for individuals – and their families – with mental illness, developmental disabilities and substance abuse disorders.

Transitional Management Services: 995-5239
Hours: Monday – Friday  9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Ages: 18 Years and older

Staff provide outreach and supportive case management for people living with serious mental illness who have been incarcerated.  The service offers a bridge from the treatment provided within state and local correctional facilities to the community.

Medication Grant Fund: 995-5239
Hours: Monday – Friday  9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Ages: 18 Years and older

The Medication Grant fund provides interim prescription coverage for people with mental illness that have been released from inpatient psychiatric care or from the custody of a state or local correctional facility.

112 East Post Road
White Plains, NY 10601

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