Family Services of Westchester (FSW) – Restorative Justice Services

FSW offers several restorative justice programs that take as their starting point that lives can be turned around through education, life  and job skills training, parenting support and the support of their families and communities.  Follow the links for full program details and contact information (if not already provided).

Programs marked with ** operate in the Westchester County Jail and work to continue with participants after their return to the community.

  • **NavigatingFatherhood – Workshop sessions, support groups, individual counseling and mentoring sessions for incarcerated fathers.
  • **REAL Parenting –Gives mostly non-custodial parents who are behind on their child support the job placement, parenting skills and financial literacy resources they need to get out of debt, stay out of debt, and meet their family financial commitments. Parents are offered a path back into their children’s lives through a combination of life skills, employment training and other key employment and child support benchmarks.    Contact: Kevin Bunch, MSOL, Program Facilitator, 914.758.2448,
  • Community Credible Messengers Initiative (CCMI) – Transformative, mentoring intervention for at-risk youth. Not sure this should be in this reeentry guide because it is not focused on at-risk youth…
  • EMERGE – Reentry workshops, employment assistance and counseling for incarcerated mothers.
  • Growing Together – Reentry for women after incarceration.
  • Mount Vernon SNUG of FSW – Street Outreach program aimed at reducing and preventing shootings and violence.
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