VA Hudson Valley Health Care

914-737-4400 Ext. 3740 Paul Stolz The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Hospital VA Hudson Valley Health Care-Homeless Veteran Care helps Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless due to financial hardship, unemployment, addiction, depression, or transition from jail. Contact Paul Stolz the Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Coordinator. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Hospital 2094 Albany Post Road Montrose, NY 10548-1454 Main phone: 914-737-4400 VA health connect: 800-877-6976 Mental health care: 914-737-4400 x2330

VA Hudson Valley Health Care2023-04-03T18:47:18+00:00

Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO)

914-737-4400 ext. 203256 Karetha Henry The Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) at the VA is an outward facing program that works with veterans currently dealing with legal issues through working with the county jails and court systems that have specific veteran track. If you were recently released and not given any information from your veteran liaison please contact Karetha Henry, Veteran Justice Specialist, for more information and to set up an assessment appointment.

Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO)2023-04-04T18:00:28+00:00
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