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So far Linda Smith has created 46 blog entries.

WRO’s Senior Housing Assistance Program

914-428-4507 Ext. 312 seniorhousing@wroinc.org wroinc.org/senior-housing-assistance   WRO’s Senior Housing Assistance Program guides Westchester seniors through the process of finding subsidized rental apartments. Through cooperating programs, WRO can sometimes assist seniors who are experiencing other difficulties related to securing or keeping housing such as rent arrears, moving expense, security deposit shortfalls, or termination of utility services. The Senior Housing Program also assists seniors in identifying and applying for other programs such as the SNAP , the Low Income Home Energy Assistance [Read More]

WRO’s Senior Housing Assistance Program2023-03-09T02:12:05+00:00

Westchester Independent Living Center (WILC)

914-259-8036 contact@wilc.org wilc.org WILC is a not-for-profit, community-based resource, advocacy, and training center dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities. Illustrative programs are listed below. Go to the web site for a complete list. MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY supports the empowerment of individuals with a mental illness, including those with psychiatric and emotional disabilities, through Systems and Peer Advocacy. It was one of the first programs in New York State to embody BOTH the Independent Living Model [Read More]

Westchester Independent Living Center (WILC)2023-03-09T02:26:40+00:00

CAREERS Support Solutions

914-741-5627 (Valhalla Office) 845-225-8007 (Carmel Office) careerssupportsolutions.org CAREERS Support Solutions, helps people with intellectual, developmental, psychiatric and/or physical disabilities gain successful employment — at no cost to them, their families or employers. Assistance includes job preparation (resumes, interviews), job training, and case case management.

CAREERS Support Solutions2023-04-01T16:38:07+00:00

Westchester Disabled on the Move, Inc. (WDOMI)

914-968-4717 wdom.org WDOMI is a not-for-profit community-based organization serving people with disabilities. WDOMI is part of a national network of Independent Living Centers dedicated to independence and equal rights for individuals with disabilities. WDOMI is also a certified NYS provider of health insurance navigator assistance to residents of Westchester County.  

Westchester Disabled on the Move, Inc. (WDOMI)2023-03-23T15:13:39+00:00

VA Hudson Valley Health Care

914-737-4400 Ext. 3740 Paul Stolz va.gov/hudson-valley-health-care/health-services/homeless-veteran-care/ The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Hospital VA Hudson Valley Health Care-Homeless Veteran Care helps Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless due to financial hardship, unemployment, addiction, depression, or transition from jail. Contact Paul Stolz the Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Coordinator. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Hospital 2094 Albany Post Road Montrose, NY 10548-1454 Main phone: 914-737-4400 VA health connect: 800-877-6976 Mental health care: 914-737-4400 x2330

VA Hudson Valley Health Care2023-04-03T18:47:18+00:00

Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO)

914-737-4400 ext. 203256 Karetha Henry Karetha.Henry@va.gov va.gov The Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) at the VA is an outward facing program that works with veterans currently dealing with legal issues through working with the county jails and court systems that have specific veteran track. If you were recently released and not given any information from your veteran liaison please contact Karetha Henry, Veteran Justice Specialist, for more information and to set up an assessment appointment.

Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO)2023-04-04T18:00:28+00:00
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