Temporary Housing (Shelters)
If you have just returned from a state correctional facility without housing, you would have been directed to the DSS office at 85 Court Street for housing to meet with staff dedicated to your needs. If you arrive after the office closes, you will be directed to the Open Arms Men’s Shelter or to the Samaratan House Women’s Shelter (see Drop-In Centers below). You can stay there until the office reopens.
If you were in the county jail, you may have already connected with the DSS Reentry Coordinator regarding housing. If not, you can use any of the Drop-In Centers or DSS offices to apply for Temporary Housing.
Placement in Temporary Housing, also called Shelters, is managed through a Coordinated Entry System. The focus is on individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
You can apply for Temporary Housing at Drop-In Centers and DSS offices, except as noted. See the links below.
Families seeking shelter after business hours or on weekends should contact
DSS Emergency Services at (914) 995-2099.