CAREERS Support Solutions

914-741-5627 (Valhalla Office) 845-225-8007 (Carmel Office) CAREERS Support Solutions, helps people with intellectual, developmental, psychiatric and/or physical disabilities gain successful employment — at no cost to them, their families or employers. Assistance includes job preparation (resumes, interviews), job training, and case case management.

CAREERS Support Solutions2023-04-01T16:38:07+00:00

Westchester Disabled on the Move, Inc. (WDOMI)

914-968-4717 WDOMI is a not-for-profit community-based organization serving people with disabilities. WDOMI is part of a national network of Independent Living Centers dedicated to independence and equal rights for individuals with disabilities. WDOMI is also a certified NYS provider of health insurance navigator assistance to residents of Westchester County.  

Westchester Disabled on the Move, Inc. (WDOMI)2023-03-23T15:13:39+00:00
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